Who doesn’t like unique things? Even if it is about your website’s content, nobody likes to read the repeated stuff and boring matters. Well, call it a valid reason to concentrate seriously on your website’s content. The other vital reason is ranking high in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) or Google Analytics. You just can’t take your website’s rank higher without concentrating on excellent content to adorn it.

What makes your content out of the world?

If you are hiring an SEO consultant in Melbourne from NextGen Digital, they’ll take all the responsibilities of creating awesome content for your website along with managing all the important criteria that can help it rank higher on Google. But if in case you are looking to create exceptional content all by yourself, you’ll certainly require these tips of ingredients to cook impressive content that’ll tempt lots of readers.

Only original, no duplicate matter — The very first ingredient that you just can’t miss while creating your content is providing only the original ideas. Remember, Google penalizes the sites which copy the matter from other websites. This ultimately pulls you down and obviously, your website loses the organic searches it could otherwise get.

Focus on catchy headlines — Let’s not forget — you get attracted to a certain website or content because of a unique and very catchy headline. Yes, titles can be so powerful. Always keep in mind to spend a considerable amount of time in phrasing this carefully. And when it’s a captivating headline, it need not always be practical. The weirder and interestingly framed it is, the better.

Know your target audience and competition (similar websites) — Knowing your audience is imperative – you should be aware of what they are looking for and their areas of interest, their level of expertise, how you can direct them to your website, etc. Likewise, you have to know about your competition – they can be the benchmark to make you do better than the best.

Are you answering relevant questions? —It often happens to you! You type a certain query or question and Google immediately gets you immediate answers to this question. Well, even you can provide your partnership in this matter. Provide answers to relevant questions in your content to ensure that all these searches are in some way or another directed to your website.

Reports should be accurate and initiate a call for action — If you are providing inaccurate information in your content, it will automatically impact your website. Once the readers realise that they are being misinformed, they will never ever trust your content for any other subject. So, be very confident and accurate about what you write, and be clear about your sources. Finally, there should be a subtle directive about what the readers would do with the information. If you are a seller, then backlinking or promoting to seek services would give the audience a sense of direction. However, never ever be obtrusive.

Be sure to engage with your readers — Once your readers visit your website, ensure that your content is engaging. It is important to keep them hooked to your website and the best way to do so is to ask interesting questions them like trivia and puzzles. Even great storytelling skills make great content.

These ingredients are sure to add lots of spice to your content. Further you can garnish it with lots of attractive videos and images and serve it in short portions (we know of dwindling attention span and all!). The results would be lots of eager readers heading to your website for reading such fabulous content! Oh, and to keep them coming you have to regularly update your content – stagnancy is an absolute no for content that works for you. 

Posted by Miley

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